NPS Clarity 2020

Message From the Board

Letter from the BoardIt is with much pride and enthusiasm that the Newark Board of Education announces the one- year strategic plan “NPS Clarity 2020.” With the guidance of our Superintendent Roger León, this plan promises to unify and align all of the district’s systems and create opportunities for continuous learning for our students, staff, and community.

The Board is looking forward to implementing the systems that embrace, celebrate, and empower the diversity among all of our students and staff.

The Board believes that by establishing clarity on the district’s role in the creation of a new ecosystem in Newark, we will find new collaborations and broaden current partnerships in expanding the scope of work from conception to cradle and college to career.

We join the Superintendent in thanking everyone who participated in the community conversations and roundtable meetings. The time and commitment to this one-year strategic plan is evidence of our desire as a community to become united.

NPS Clarity 2020

Report Summary

NPS Clarity 2020 ReportThe Newark School system is 163 years old, and Newark is the third oldest city in the nation. We are the largest and oldest school district in the state of New Jersey and educate over 55,000 students across various types of schools (public, private, and parochial). On February 1, 2018, the District began the transition from state operation to a locally controlled board of education.

Full local control restores the power of the locally elected school board to select the Superintendent and reestablishes the Newark Board of Education as the body that governs the District. Now led by Superintendent Roger León, the first locally appointed superintendent in twenty-three years and the first Latino Superintendent in the City’s history, this is a watershed moment for the District as we embark on a new vision for education in Newark.

To read the whole report, download the PDF.

TitleDownloadsFile SizeFile TypeLinkDate
2016-2019 Strategic Plan26921 MBpdfAugust 30, 2016
Discussion Guide – Academics and Supports55363 KBpdfApril 6, 2016
Discussion Guide – Eds52162 KBpdfApril 6, 2016
Discussion Guide – Engagement Accountability51662 KBpdfApril 6, 2016
Discussion Guide – Ops Planning54063 KBpdfApril 6, 2016
Message from the Board779177 KBpdfNovember 9, 2023
New Year Parent Letter53357 KBpdfJanuary 7, 2016
New Year Parent Letter – Creole64468 KBpdfJanuary 7, 2016
New Year Parent Letter – Portuguese58642 KBpdfJanuary 7, 2016
New Year Parent Letter – Spanish63660 KBpdfJanuary 7, 2016
Newark Overview54551 KBpdfJanuary 13, 2016
Newark Overview for 2-25 Shareout58144 KBpdfApril 6, 2016
Newark Priorities Executive Summary1658246 KBpdfAugust 25, 2016
Newark Priorities Report23571 MBpdfJanuary 7, 2016
NPS Strategic Plan – Clarity 202015759839 KBpdfNovember 9, 2023
Strategic Plan Meeting Central Ward Flyer574207 KBpdfFebruary 2, 2016
Strategic Plan Meeting Dates Flyer769188 KBpdfJanuary 19, 2016
Strategic Plan Meeting East Ward Flyer544206 KBpdfJanuary 17, 2016
Strategic Plan Meeting North Ward Flyer486200 KBpdfFebruary 2, 2016
Strategic Plan Meeting South Ward Flyer536209 KBpdfFebruary 10, 2016
Strategic Plan Meeting West Ward Flyer487214 KBpdfJanuary 27, 2016
What We Heard Summary (Feb 23, 2016)687130 KBpdfApril 6, 2016