Office of Federal Programs & Grants

Office of Federal Programs & Grants

The Office of Federal Programs and Grants strives to promote and enhance educational opportunities and equity for all students and families through strategic grant development, efficient grant management and effective parent and family engagement. We are the central coordinating office of federal, state and local grants that support District initiatives. We continuously improve the alignment of resources by providing leadership and technical assistance to schools, other departments, and stakeholders.

Each year, Newark receives federal funds to support the operation of the Title I programs in schools. The goal of the Title I is to provide academic opportunities for our students to acquire the knowledge and skills contained in the challenging New Jersey Student Learning Standards. This is accomplished by focusing on:

  • Supporting evidenced-based academic programs
  • Providing professional development for teachers
  • Developing a strong framework for accountability
  • Holding schools accountable for results
  • Engaging parents and families in the shared responsibility for high student academic achievement
    • Office of Federal Programs & Grants

      765 Broad Street
      Newark, NJ 07102

    • Department Head

      Michelina Thornton

    • Department Phone

    • Department Fax


    For more information, please visit the links below: