Teacher Evaluations

NPS Framework for Effective Teaching

In NPS, great teaching is our top priority. That’s because great teaching—in every classroom, for every student, every day—is the best way we make sure all our students master the Common Core Standards and graduate ready for success in college and career.

The NPS Framework for Effective Teaching (download PDF below) is one of the best tools we have to make great teaching a reality in every classroom. With five competencies (pictured below), the framework sets clear, high expectations for the kind of teaching students need and provides an opportunity for teachers to get the feedback and support they need to continue to grow.

Framework for effective teaching
Lesson Design & Focus
Rigor & Inclusiveness
Culture of Achievement
Student Progress Towards Mastery
Commitment to Personal & Collective Excellence

What can be observed.
Examples: short or full-lesson classroom observations of team meetings, interactions with students, etc.

What can be seen in artifacts.
Examples: lesson plans, unit plans, student work, planning tools, etc.

What can be seen in quantitative data.
Examples: standardized assessment data, interim assessment data, surveys, etc.


The Goal-Setting Process is a way for teachers to identify student learning goals and personal professional development goals for the school year. There are two versions of the Goal-Setting Process which are determined by a person’s annual evaluation rating from the previous year: the Individualized Professional Development Plan (IPDP) and the Corrective Action Plan (CAP). This year all IPDPs and CAPs will be created and housed in our online performance management system, Whetstone.


The framework is the core of teachers’ evaluations by supporting a process of gathering the evidence (described in the graphic above) needed to get a complete picture of every teacher’s performance.

For a comprehensive overview of the components and requirements related to teacher evaluation in the 2020-2021 school year, please be sure to read the NPS Teacher Evaluation Guidebook (download PDF below).

TitleDownloadsFile SizeFile TypeLinkDate
Framework for Effective Teaching22237550 KBpdfOctober 10, 2024
Guidebook Signature Sheet1153833 KBpdfNovember 7, 2019
NBOE Teacher Evaluation Guidebook 2024-25609658 KBpdfNovember 21, 2024
NBOE Whetstone Guide202968 KBpdfOctober 2, 2020

Professional Development Hours

All Teaching and CST Staff members are required to complete professional development each year. They must then enter their Professional Development Hours in the survey that will be provided in the spring. Toward that end, teaching and CST staff members are encouraged to maintain clear records of the Professional develop attended during the year.