Information for Applicants & Students
Vaccines for Teens
All individuals aged 12 and older who live, work or study in NJ are eligible for COVID-19 vaccines.
- Pre-registration is available but not required.
- Walk-ins are welcome.
- Parents must give consent for their child during the registration process.
Welcome Back Letter
August 9th, 2024
Greetings Newark School of Data Science & Information Technology Students and Families,
Welcome to the 2024-2025 School Year! My name is Dr. Liana Summey and it is a privilege to introduce myself as the Principal of the Newark School of Data Science & Information Technology. As an educator, I pride myself in recognizing the unique brilliance that lives in each and every student. Through a productive partnership between students, parents, teachers, and the community, I look forward to collectively working with you to ensure that learning and tapping into every student’s individual talent is our main priority. We accomplish this by providing every student with a holistic educational experience that addresses high academic standards, social emotional needs, and provides opportunities to prepare them for a successful post-secondary trajectory in college and career.
9 de agosto de 2024
Saludos, estudiantes y familias de la Escuela de Ciencia de Datos y Tecnología de la Información de Newark:
¡Bienvenidos al año escolar 2024-2025! Mi nombre es Dra. Liana Summey y es un privilegio presentarme como directora de la Escuela de Ciencia de Datos y Tecnología de la Información de Newark. Como educador, me enorgullezco de reconocer la brillantez única que vive en todos y cada uno de los estudiantes. A través de una asociación productiva entre estudiantes, padres, maestros y la comunidad, espero trabajar colectivamente con ustedes para garantizar que aprender y aprovechar el talento individual de cada estudiante sea nuestra principal prioridad. Logramos esto brindando a cada estudiante una experiencia educativa integral que aborda altos estándares académicos, necesidades socioemocionales y brinda oportunidades para prepararlos para una trayectoria postsecundaria exitosa en la universidad y la carrera.