Labor & Employee Relations

Contact Info
Scott W. Carbone

Office Location
765 Broad Street
Newark, NJ 07102

Phone: 973-733-8957
Fax: 973-327-6151

The Office of Labor and Employee Relations (OLER) serves to assure the appropriate administration of the Newark Public School District's policies and procedures. In this role, some of OLER's responsibilities entail:

  • Negotiating and administering collective bargaining agreements
  • Assisting in interpreting and applying the District's policies as well as the collective bargaining
  • Handling union and non-union grievances and arbitration
  • Facilitating mediation and resolution of employee/supervisor conflicts

OLER envisions being recognized by the employees of the Newark Public Schools as:

  • Being a proactive and accessible resource to employees & employers
  • Ensuring fair and consistent labor practices
  • Having efficient and responsive processes
  • Treating all individuals with respect and courtesy
  • Being competent and professional


TitleDownloadsFile SizeFile TypeLinkDate
Attendance Improvement Plan (AIP)1715223 KBpdfOctober 26, 2018