This school year, the Office of Special Education will host weekly workshops with newly hired Child Study Team members (CSTs). For the 2022-23 school year, CSTs will attend 3-day workshops at the Newark Board of Education’s Central Office and then visit assigned schools 2 days a week. This blended learning opportunity will provide each CST member an opportunity to network with other new team members and build a network at their schools and across the district. CSTs will engage in hands-on learning opportunities by engaging in case studies that will strengthen the development of Individualized Education Plans (IEPs) and prepare for IEP meetings. Additionally, each case manager will gain one-to-one experience by shadowing case managers from the Initial Evaluation Center (IEC) and collaborating with school-based teams to further understand the roles and responsibilities of a case manager. The Office of Special Education welcomes 19 new Child Study Team Members!