Energized by their slogan, “No Limits,” the John F. Kennedy School students and staff held the school’s first pep rally on Thursday.
The celebration had everything a pep rally should have. There were cheerleaders led by Principal Jill Summers-Phillips. There was music provided by the school’s new drumline led by Music Teacher Miyuki Rivera. There was school spirit stoked by Speech Therapist Lynada Suggs, who was the rally’s emcee. And there were even a couple of athletes – Rashawn Wilson, who plays forward for the West Side High School boys basketball team, and Mehki Toledo, who played cornerback for Barringer High School football.
Family members and community leaders, including Board of Education Vice President Allison K. James-Frison, were in the audience. Two major highlights of the event were the presentation of the 21 seniors who will graduate in June and the speeches made by 17 Student Council candidates.
At the end of the pep rally, Principal Summers-Phillips was moved to tears.
“Today represents growth and progress,” Summers-Phillips said. “Students who have never spoken are running for office.”