The district has initiated a major project to replace older Smart Boards in all district classrooms with new Smart Panels that will facilitate optimal delivery and differentiation of instruction in a contemporary manner. The first phase of the project was implemented during the 2022 Spring Break which resulted in the replacement of over 300 older Smart Boards in 15 schools. Phase 2 of the project has started and is expected to be completed in June. Phases 3 and 4 will be implemented over the summer and in the fall. This project will result in the replacement of over 1,600 older Smart Boards that are currently in use in the district, ultimately resulting in the furnishing of each district classroom with a new Smart Panel.
This initiative is funded by the Elementary and Secondary School Emergency Relief (ESSER) for which the district has received approval. In addition to providing classrooms with new Smart Panels, all classroom teachers will be trained on the optimal use of the new Smart Panels so they can effectively deliver and differentiate instruction. All new Smart Panels will also be configured for remote management from the district’s Information Technology (IT) office which will enable the IT staff to remotely install Apps, upgrade firmware, and provide support to teachers without visiting the classrooms.