Community Spirit Shines in South Street’s Service Initiatives


The South Street Community Service Club has been dedicated to serving the local community since 2022. This year, they teamed up with "Be The Change," a service organization at Kean University. Earlier this year, South Street Service Club wrote over 60 cards to veterans, which were sent out with candy on Veterans Day, to thank those who have served the country. During  their annual food drive, the Service Club collected over 35 bags of meals to give to families in the school community.

The Service Club also hosted a donation drive for those in need near Penn Station, collecting over 180 toothbrushes, 200 tubes of toothpaste, hats, gloves, socks, deodorant, and feminine products. These items will be made into Blessing Bags by "Be The Change" and distributed to the homeless community near Penn Station. Later this year, the Service Club will participate in an annual donation drive for the Associated Humane Society in Newark. When the Service Club isn't working on a donation drive, members assist teachers with keeping classrooms neat and organized, handling portfolio filing, cutting laminations, and setting up bulletin boards. The Service Club is dedicated to helping those in the community.