Build a Book with McKinley Families

McKinley families engaged in literacy
McKinley families engaged in literacy

At McKinley Elementary School, kindergarten families participated in an interactive Build a Book workshop led by the Parent Liaison, Ms. Williams. This workshop aimed to strengthen literacy skills in a fun and engaging way. Families collaborated to create their own books using a variety of materials and activities tailored to enhance learning.

The books produced during the workshop included resources specifically designed to promote important early learning skills. For example, activities focused on shape recognition helped children identify and name different shapes. Sight words were included to help young learners recognize common words they will encounter in reading. In addition, the books featured exercises on number tracing and letter recognition. These activities were vital for developing foundational math and reading skills.

The workshop successfully met its objective of providing families with tools to continue learning at home. By engaging in hands-on activities, families created an enjoyable learning environment that kept students interested in literacy. The initiative not only strengthened family bonds, but also equipped children with essential skills for their educational journey.