Newark Board of Education Salutes Graduates of 2021-22


Newark, NJ, [June 23, 2022]. Today, Newark Public Schools is hosting graduation ceremonies for over 2,300 seniors from across 14 district high schools in celebration of the Class of 2022’s remarkable accomplishments.

Family, friends, staff, and community members will witness the achievements of this very special and historic class with 434 seniors achieving a GPA of 3.5 or better, 146 earning Associates Degrees, saving their parents over $12 million by taking college courses while in high school and earning more than $77 million in college scholarships.

In acknowledging their success, Superintendent León stated, “The Class of 2022 is making history. Their high school experience was disrupted by a global pandemic, making two of their four years like no other high school experience in history.” He added, “In adversity there is opportunity and our students have excelled at every level along the way. We are confident that all of our lives will be inherently better because of the accomplishments of the Class of 2022.”

During his comments, Superintendent León thanked the higher education partners, who are invaluable to our student success: Essex County College, Rutgers University-Newark, Montclair State University, New Jersey Institute of Technology, Seton Hall University, Kean University, Bard College, Bergen County Community College, and the newest partner to our dual enrollment program, Howard University.

Dawn Haynes, President of the Board said, “I continue to be impressed with our students. While they faced adversity, we continued to challenge them with rigorous curriculum offerings and our new FAFSA graduation requirement. They did exactly what we knew would happen when Newark’s children are challenged, they excelled.”

Graduating from High School comes with great happiness and joy. The graduating Class of 2022 in Newark has made phenomenally noteworthy accomplishments and we are extremely proud of every senior. We know great things are waiting for the Class of 2022 in the future and we wish them continued success and best wishes.