The district’s 2022 Summer Programs began on July 5th and continued through August 19th at the end of High School Summer Bridge week. The wide variety of programming we provided served over 10,000 students, from our youngest learners entering Kindergarten, through our rising high school seniors. At our 15 elementary sites, students were engaged in academics in the morning until 12pm, and enrichment activities coordinated by the Office of Extended Learning Time in collaboration with several community based partners until 3pm. Student learning was extended on field trips to Turtle Back Zoo, the Liberty Science Center, or the Newark Museum. In addition to enrichment activities such as dance and swimming, NBOE offered a Summer STEM Academy, the Newark Educational Technology Summer (NETS) Camp, the Summer Visual and Performing Arts Academy, and many more. At the conclusion of the summer program, principals along with their leadership teams, organized a Showcase that displayed incredible work that captured student engagement and provided a Fun Day for the students and staff.