On any given day in this country, approximately 1,000 Americans experience a sudden cardiac arrest. According to the latest statistics released by the Sudden Cardiac Arrest Foundation, only 10 percent of these people survive. Knowing how to perform CPR and using an automated external defibrillator (AED) can mean the difference between someone living or dying during a medical emergency.
The Newark Board of Education requires that all athletics personnel as well as Health & Physical Education teachers be certified to ensure the safety of students.The Office of Health, Physical Education & Athletics has been providing both coaches and teachers with opportunities to obtain and/or renew their certification in Adult and Pediatric First Aid/CPR/AED. The blended learning course equips participants to recognize and care for a variety of first aid, breathing, and cardiac emergencies involving adults, children and infants. Since August 2022, staff have received coursework in which nearly 160 staff members obtained their certification at Science Park High School. These skills can be of great value should an emergency arise at school, work, home or in public places.
Through partnership with the Office of Health Services and University Hospital, this training will continue to offer more certification opportunities to any District employee who is interested in taking the course as well as any cohort of teachers and coaches looking to become instructors; enabling the District to have a greater impact in schools and the community.