The Newark Board of Education (NBOE)’s Facilities Management Department is committed to employing former district students with diverse abilities. Working enhances the lives of people with intellectual disabilities by providing essential benefits. Being employed gives individuals a sense of purpose, provides opportunities to meet new people, builds relationships, and helps the community to discover true potential. By supporting students on the path to employment, NBOE shows full commitment to Priority 5 of the District’s Strategic Plan: Integrated System of Student Support.
Administrators and support staff work with students and families in the High School Transition Programs to provide training with vocational skills needed to apply for and maintain a job. As a result, qualified applicants are encouraged to participate in the job application process and, if hired, assigned as per-diem employees to district schools under the mentorship of head custodians. Hiring individuals with an intellectual disability contributes to a culture of inclusion and equality, promoting empathy and understanding among all employees. A diverse and inclusive workplace is not only more enjoyable but also more innovative. Overall, this contributes to young adults living independently as productive citizens in the community.