Newark Board of Education (NBOE) Organizes Task Force to Focus on Reopening Schools Safely

Newark, New Jersey [May 8, 2020] On Monday, May 4, 2020, Mayor Ras. J. Baraka announced the Newark Reopening and Recovery Strikeforce. In alignment with those efforts, Superintendent León created the NBOE Task Force for the Reopening of Schools. This is a comprehensive and already growing team of stakeholders that includes principals, teachers, other instructional and non-instructional school-based staff, central office employees, board members, parents, students, community members, and union leaders. The Superintendent has charged this group with the responsibility of providing recommendations and guidance for consideration regarding the reopening of schools, whether it is for Summer 2020 or next school year.

The co-chairpersons of this task force are Deputy Superintendent Nicole T. Johnson and School Business Administrator Valerie Wilson. Yesterday, was the first day of a series of meetings. The Task Force will take an in-depth look at several areas such as school operations including the distribution of meals, adherence to social distancing guidelines and the implementation of precautionary measures; student and staff supports which includes counseling, training on the use of personal protective equipment (PPE) and screening for trauma; and instructional considerations such as scheduling and extended learning time.

“While we know that all decisions will be guided by science and executive orders, we are preparing for the reopening of schools and simultaneously perfecting remote learning,” said Superintendent León. “So, threaded throughout this body of work, is our responsibility to build confidence in students, families, and staff with the idea of returning to school,” he added.

For more information, please contact:
Newark Board of Education
Nancy Deering, Interim Executive Director

About The Newark Public Schools District
The Newark Public Schools District, with 66 schools, 5,877 employees and a student population of 37,291 is the largest and one of the oldest school systems in New Jersey. Its origin dates back to 1676. Barringer High School, in Newark’s North Ward, is the third oldest public high school in the nation. The ethnic diversity of the city provides a rich educational experience for pre-kindergarten to secondary school students. The district continues to revise its services to meet the changing needs of students.