2009-2010 Budget Information

The Newark Public Schools District Budget items for 2009-2010 are listed below.

  • What’s New: A listing and description of the new budget work paper changes for FY 2009-10
  • Principal’s Budget Training: A PowerPoint presentation of the FY 2009-10 school-based budget training presented to Principals on October 23 and 28, 2008
  • Bulletin 23: School Based Budget Preparation – The Superintendent”s instructions and guidelines to guide Principals developing their FY 2009-10 school-based budgets
  • Bulletin 24: Revised Budget Calendar – The District”s calendar containing the dates and activities for the the school-based and Central Office budget process
  • Lunch Application Data: A summary of eligibility, by school, for lunch applications collected and processed as of November 5, 2008, categorized by free, reduced, paid, and as a percentage of enrollment
  • Non Salary Cost Model by School: A summary, by school, of the non-salary funds each school will receive based upon the number of students enrolled per category, i.e., elementary, middle, secondary, special education, etc
  • School-based Budget Template: A template that computes the non-salary funds that each school will received based upon the number of students to be enrolled in FY 2009-10
  • 2009-2010 Budget Executive Summary
  • 2009-2010 Budget Presentation