Career and Technical Education Academies are career-based academic programs of 3-4 interrelated courses that incorporate technical skills, academic skills, professional skills, and learning experiences that lead CTE students to acquiring industry-valued certifications/credentials and/or post-secondary credits. The CTE Academies encourage deeper exploration of career options through various work-based learning opportunities such as job shadowing, internships, & apprenticeships to allow our students an opportunity to achieve high academic standards and explore options for high-skill, high-demand, & high-wage employment opportunities that steer students directly to career or advanced and continuing education.
Career & Technical Education
765 Broad Street
Newark, NJ 07102
Department Head
Sandra Marques
Department Phone
The Office of Career and Technical Education (CTE) provides experiences for elementary and high school students to make career choices based on the knowledge gained from a variety of academic and career opportunities. The CTE program is a model for providing successful transition of high school students to the world of work, college, or post-secondary education. CTE embraces a philosophy, which establishes the infrastructure for an educational system that supports an active learning environment connected to career pathways. The program begins in kindergarten and extends through grade twelve. Although the program allows students to leave high school prepared for work or college, many career pathways require post-secondary education. This flexibility allows the district to meet the needs of all students.
In the elementary and middle schools, the program is focused on exploring different careers. CTE offers students in grades K-8 opportunities to explore careers through job shadowing experiences, guest speakers, and field trips to various business. All eighth grade students are encouraged to apply to a specific magnet career academy at one of the six comprehensive high schools. These academies have broad based themes. Students may also apply to one of the district’s vocational high schools.
The ninth grade career focus is on workplace readiness skills, career exploration and providing information about the various careers within each academy and the skills needed to be successful after high school, either at work or college. Students in the tenth grade select a career academy and begin selecting courses to support their chosen career pathway. Students in grade eleven are encouraged to be part of a variety of mentoring programs and in grade twelve students can participate in internship opportunities.
CTE has the responsibility of working with businesses, post-secondary institutions, parents and others to assure that high school students throughout the district can participate in a program that meets their needs.
In each high school, CTE Coordinators and guidance counselors work collaboratively to ensure that all programs are implemented as planned and that students have been properly scheduled into internships, mentoring, pre-apprenticeships, clinical experiences, college partnerships and employment opportunities.