NBOE Approved Instructional Software Programs and ApplicationsĀ
Students in the Newark Public Schools may be provided with access to the school districtās computer network and the Internet, and may be provided access to the educational programs and activities as determined by the Superintendent in accordance with the Newark Board of Education (NBOE) Policy 6142.10 Internet Safety and Technology. Examples of such programs and activities include communicating via school district email, development and presentation of materials for instructional use, conducting research, and accessing authorized software programs and applications.Ā
Some of these programs require the sharing of student Personally Identifiable Information (PII) such as educational records including course and section information, grade, subject, etc. to provide a personalized experience for the student. The Newark Board of Education takes student data privacy very seriously and as such conducts a rigorous review and vetting of every approved product listed below to ensure both compliance with the applicable Federal laws including Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA), Individuals with Disabilities Act (IDEA), Children's Internet Protection Act (CIPA), and Children's Online Privacy Protection Rule (COPPA) and alignment to our high educational standards.
Access to studentās educational records will only be conducted by a school official who is a person employed by the Board as an administrator, supervisor, instructor, or support staff member (including health or medical staff and law enforcement unit personnel); a person serving on the School Board; a person or company with whom the Board has outsourced services or functions it would otherwise use its own employees to perform (such as an attorney, auditor, medical consultant, educational service, or therapist); a parent or student serving on an official committee, such as a disciplinary or grievance committee; or a parent, student, or other volunteer assisting another school official in performing his or her tasks.
Internet-based Educational Resources
Core Curriculum Resources
- Houghton Mifflin Harcourt: e-Textbooks and educational resources for K-12 Language Arts and K-8 Mathematics
- Pearson enVisions AGA: e-Textbooks and educational resources for Algebra I, Geometry, and Algebra II
- Activate Learning's Interactive Science Curriculum & Notebook (IQWST): online interactive middle school science curricular resources for grades 6-8
- Code.org: Computer Science curriculum for grades K-8 and high school AP Computer Science Principles
- TypingClub: Keyboarding and typing scaffolded lessons
Supplemental Resources -Ā Recommended for ALL Schools
- ALEKS: Adaptive supplemental program for personalized instruction and support in mathematical skills
- Discovery Education: Online cross curricular multimedia materials, such as activities, videos and virtual field trips
- Everfi: online curricular resources about financial literacy and digital citizenship
- Follett Destiny: online e-card catalog for libraries
- Learning Ally: Human-narrated fiction and non-fiction books
- Lexia Core5 (K-5) and PowerUp (6-8): Adaptive assessment and personalized instruction for foundational reading skills
- Naviance: K-12 college and career readiness solution that helps align student strengths and interests to postsecondary
- Newsela: Non-fiction articles accessible by various student reading levels
- NoRedInk (6-12): High school language arts resources and growth quizzes on grammar and writing topics
- Read & Write for Google: Text-to-Speech and Speech-to-Text add-on for the Google Browser
Supplemental Resources -Ā Purchased by SOME Schools
- Adobe Creative Cloud for Enterprise:- All Apps
- BSD Education: High School educational technology curriculum to introduce students to the design, creation, and maintenance of web pages and websites
- Dreambox: Adaptive assessment and personalized instruction for foundational mathematics skills
- Edmentum Reading Eggs: Adaptive assessment and personalized instruction for foundational reading skills
- Flocabulary: help build vocabulary with students through engaging online lessons and activities
- LightSail: online novels, periodicals, and books on various genres
- Measuring Up (Mastery Education): Adaptive assessment and personalized instruction for foundational K-8 and language mathematics skills
- myOn: online novels, periodicals and books on various genres and levels
- Rosetta Stone: Online practice and feedback in world language
- Vocabulary.com: Facilitate the growth of academic vocabulary
Websites that Facilitate Student Rostering
- Clever Student portal:Ā Class rostering and single sign-on
- College Board: rostering for PSAT and SAT
- IB Diplomas Programma Pro Manager: manage and track student progress for the International Baccalaureate (IB) program
- Scholarchip: Facilitate automation of student behavior referrals and interventions
- Kidcare: document meal count and attendance for the NJ Department of Agriculture Child and Adult Care Food afterschool program
Data and Assessment Platforms
- PowerSchool: Student Information System (SIS)
- SchoolNet: Data analytics, warehouse, and assessment platform
- Tableau: Data analytics and warehouse platform
- Edulastic: Formative assessments
Asynchronous Information and Communication Tools
- Google Suite for Education: Includes Google Classroom, Google Docs, Google Slides, Google Drive, Google Sheets, Google Sites, Google Drawings, Google Forms
- SMART Learning Suite Online (SLSO):Ā Student engagement platform
- Microsoftās Flipgrid: Creation and sharing of short videos to demonstrate learning and provide feedback
- Kami: Document creation and engagement tool
- Pear Deck: Student engagement platform
- Nearpod: Student engagement platform (Select Schools)
- EdPuzzle: software to create short instructional videos with embedded formative assessment questions
- Screencastify: software to create short instructional videos
Synchronous Information and Communication Tools
- Cisco WebEx Meetings, Training, and Events: video conferencing software