Health & Physical Education

The goal of the Office of Physical Education, Health, and Athletics is to promote the selection of life choices and to provide a healthy learning environment by teaching lifelong fitness, through the coordination of athletic programs, health education, safety, and the increase of student awareness of the harmful effects of substance use, violence and high-risk behavior. Achieving these goals will contribute to improved academic student performance and weight management by developing moral and social responsibility, as well as positive self-esteem, nutrition awareness, sportsmanship, teamwork, school spirit and a safe and drug-free learning environment. These components lead to higher fitness levels of our students and a lifelong appreciation of total wellness.

Contact Info
Elizabeth Aranjo

Office Location
765 Broad Street
Newark, NJ 07102


Health Education

Implementation of the Comprehensive Health Education Curriculum Guide, PK-12 will continue to provide students with a clearly defined and relevant focus on health and well-being. Issues of global concern are addressed with emphasis on current issues and topics. The curriculum addresses ten priority areas of health education: Mental and Emotional Health, Safety and First Aid, Personal Health, Exercise and Fitness, Growth and Development, Family and Social Health, Nutrition and Consumer Health, Diseases and Disorders, Community and Environmental Health, and Alcohol, Tobacco and Other Drugs. The component of Driver’s Education is introduced to the students at the grade eleven level. The objectives of the curriculum guide have been written to reinforce the New Jersey Core Curriculum Content Standards.

Physical Education

The Comprehensive Physical Education Curriculum Guide focuses on the following eight areas of instructional skills and activities: Health-Related Fitness/Wellness, Sports Skills, Body Mechanics, Stunts and Tumbling, Dance, Basic Movement Skills/Coordination, Adapted Physical Education and Aquatics. The incorporation of a well designed, sequential program will contribute extensively to the physical, mental, emotional and social development of all students in grades PK-12. The objectives of the curriculum guide have been written to reinforce the New Jersey Core Curriculum Content Standards. The students will also be empowered to choose physical activities which promote and support a healthy lifestyle of nutrition and weight management, and to maintain a lifetime of wellness and successful living.


The secondary schools sponsor a wide range of interscholastic sports programs, tournaments and activities for female and male student-athletes with academic and medical eligibility for the varsity, junior varsity and freshmen levels. This provides an opportunity for the highly skilled as well as the lesser skilled student athlete to demonstrate their skills in a competitive arena.