Expanded Learning Time

Contact Info

Office Location
Dr. Marion A. Bolden Student Center
230 Broadway
Newark, NJ 07104

Phone: 973-412-1910
Fax: 973-412-1914


The mission of the Office of Expanded Learning Time (ELT) is to coordinate, develop, implement and promote quality before/after school and summer programs.


Our vision is to enhance the academic experience of NPS Students through a portfolio of structured, supervised and positive activities. Our programs include:

  1. Nutrition
  2. Academic support and Assistance
  3. Youth Development & Character Education
  4. Physical Activity and Leagues
  5. Arts
  6. Science Exploration
  7. Technology
  8. Field trips
  9. College and Career Exposure
  10. Civic & Community Service

Office of Expanded Learning Time (ELT) partners with: families, schools, community organizations, funders and other Newark stakeholders to accomplish this mission and vision.

For more information please visit: www.nps.k12.nj.us/elt/

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