Food Services

Contact Info
Elayier Pickett
Acting Director

Office Location
765 Broad Street
Newark, NJ 07102

Phone: 973-733-7172
Fax: 973-733-8022

The Office of Food Services is responsible for:

  • Preparation and service of breakfast and lunch meals to all the schools in the district.
  • Provide catering services for all schools and staff functions.
  • Provide meals for the After School Youth Development Program.
  • Provide meals for all students participating in the After School Educational Enrichment programs, i.e., Saturday Academies.
  • Act as a liaison between the schools and central office in terms of the nutritional needs of the student.
  • Coordinate, review, monitor and process the district lunch applications.
  • Train, direct, supervise and evaluate food service staff at the assigned schools.
  • Ensure that the schools follow the state and federal regulations governing the school lunch and breakfast program.
  • Evaluate the sanitation, safety and equipment needs in the cafeterias.
  • Provide alternative meals, such as, bag lunches for field trips and school excursions.
  • Develop the menus for all schools participating in the National School Lunch and Breakfast Program.
  • Offer a Summer Feeding Program that provides meals to students over the summer vacation.

Catering Documents

TitleDownloadsFile SizeFile TypeLinkDate
Catered Function Request Form84213 KBxlsxAugust 12, 2019
Catering Menu1260238 KBpdfJanuary 30, 2019