Hosted By: Poliana Seromenho, Literacy Coach & Goldie Jones, Media Specialist
Hawkins Street School will kickoff Read Across America by having our own Dr. Seuss Drive-in Theater. Over 300 boxes were donated by various companies such as Toyota, Seabras, Party City, and local dollar stores. All students in Grades K-3 were given a box to decorate into a boxcar at home with their families. We were also fortunate to have Pajamas Program donate over 100 pajamas. All students in Grades 1 and 2 received a pajama to wear to this event. During this event students will drive-in to the movie theater with their boxcar, discuss the importance of reading, have a Dr. Seuss book read to them, receive 2 books each which were also donated, read independently in their reading nook (boxcar) and finally watch a Dr. Seuss movie in the comfort of their boxcar. Our goal is to promote the love of reading at school and at home. They will take their boxcars home and continue to use it as their reading nook. With a book you can go anywhere and be anything.