Superintendent León Welcomes District Staff at Convocation 2022

In preparation for the first day of school on September 6, Superintendent León welcomed district staff at the annual Convocation. The event was held virtually yet broadcasted live. School-based staff attended at their respective schools, while Central Office Staff convened at the District’s headquarters on Broad Street.

The Convocation motivates all staff members for the start of the new school year. So, a fitting start to the meeting was the viewing of the District’s new inspirational video, “Let's Go to Work! which highlights the rich heritage, joy, talent, and diversity of Newark students and staff.

Following the video, Superintendent León thanked all staff for their dedication, contributions, courage, and commitment to excellence during these most unusual times, “I really appreciate all of you for your hard work. The impact of your work is realized every day in our schools by our students who have a safe, nutritious, and healthy learning environment with the resources needed to be successful.”

He continued by announcing the addition of 600 new teachers, student achievement and the four part strategy outlined to address learning loss, elementary schools offering Algebra in 8th grade, enrollment increases at the highest ever, increases in student attendance, graduation rates at an all-time high, increase in the number of students receiving associate degrees, increases in scholarship awards, highest numbers entering college, one more school adding the International Baccalaureate Program this year, Middle State Accreditation underway, 1:1 Chromebooks, Smartboards, At-Promise initiative for students who may have disengaged with school, Lights On! expands to three schools in the evening, Silver status in Sustainability at three schools with Bronze status at all the other schools, recipient of the Certificate of Excellence in Financial Reporting Award, Adult Education opportunities throughout the city, expanding elementary schools and high schools, and additional new school options to open in the years ahead just to name a few.

“We are excited to start our school year off strong,” said Board President Haynes. “Our students will be able to do great things, based on what you put in them.”

All the initiatives listed here and the many others shared during the Convocation are all aligned with the priorities that are outlined in the District’s 10-year strategic plan, The Next Decade: 2020-30, their roadmap for success.

The Honorable Mayor Ras J. Baraka said, “What’s important now is that we give our kids a sense of hope because hope is the thing that makes them get up in the morning, that makes them go out there and do things that are unimaginable. Only the administrators, teachers, and staff who are around them every day can create that hope.”

Finally, one of the highlights of every Convocation is the acknowledgment and celebration of employees who have dedicated 25, 30, 35, 40, 45, and yes, 50 years of service to the district.

The Newark Board of Education is always looking for exceptional people to join the movement because Newark Public Schools is the place to be!

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