Newark Board of Education and SPAN Host Workshop for Parents of Students with Special Needs

[NEWARK, New Jersey – March 5, 2019] The SPAN Parent Advocacy Network and the Newark Board of Education will host Session 2, “Supports for Struggling Parents,” of their Parent Workshop for parents of students with special needs.

Three workshops will be held in March – on the 6th and 9th. Workshops on the 6th will be held from 9 – 11 a.m. at the Salomé Ureña School at 284 First Avenue. The afternoon workshop will be held from 1 – 3 p.m. at Oliver Street School, located at 86 Oliver Street and the final workshop for March will be held on Saturday, March 9 from 9 – 11 a.m. at the Newark Board of Education Central Office at 765 Broad Street.

According to the Department of Special Education, students who may be struggling academically and/or behaviorally can often benefit from early and intensive services and supports, according to Carolyn Granato, Executive Director, Special Education. According to Ms. Granato, Session 2 will provide resources and helpful strategies for use at school and at home to help avoid student failure, including details on NJ’s Tiered System of Supports.

Parents and advocates interested in attending can register online at or by phone at 973-733-7314. If you have questions, please contact Ayo at 973-642-8100 or