Farah Assiraj, Chief of Teaching and Learning for the Council of the Great City Schools, empowers ESL and Bilingual educators with the transformative Framework for Foundational Literacy Skills Instruction for English Learners
The Newark Board of Education has joined forces with the Council of Great City Schools, the leading national organization dedicated to advocating for the unique needs of urban public school districts, to advance literacy skills instruction for English Learners. During a presentation to ESL and bilingual teachers and administrators, the Council introduced its Framework for Foundational Literacy Skills Instruction for English Learners, emphasizing the necessity of a comprehensive and interconnected approach to literacy skills. This approach is rooted in teachers leveraging students' language abilities and teaching them how the English Language functions in conveying meaning.
The active participation and positive response demonstrated a shared commitment to further enhancing literacy skills for English Learners within the District, highlighting the significance of collaborative endeavors between educational leaders and organizations.