Newark is celebrating its 350th Anniversary in 2016!


How do I get involved?

If you’re a Newark Public Schools student, we would like to invite you to create a birthday card for the city of Newark and share a wish for the city. The card can either be hard copy or electronic. Interested? See below:

A Birthday Card and Wish for the City of Newark

The City of Newark will be 350 years old next year! To help the city celebrate, we invite you to create a birthday card for the city. Selected entries will be showcased on major venues throughout the 2016 year.  This includes the Superintendent’s suite, central office, City Hall, Liberty International Airport, NJPAC, Newark Museum, Newark Public Library, the Presidential Suites of all of the hotels in Newark, the district’s website, and your respective schools

  1. What should I include in the Birthday card?
    • Pictures or photos
    • What you wish for the city in 2016
    • Information about you including:
      • First and last name
      • School
      • Grade
      • Homeroom
  2. What format should I send and how to submit the Birthday card?
    • Hard Copy:
      • Use poster board, construction paper etc.
      • Please have your teacher send your card to
        • Newark Public Schools Office of Curriculum, Room 916, Attention Newark 350
        • 2 Cedar Street, Newark, NJ
    • Electronic Copy:
      • Create a virtual birthday card in Google Docs or SlidesPrezi, or a History Pin (this is a virtual tour of photos from Newark throughout the last 350 years; create a free account by clicking the “login button in the upper right and click on “Login with Google” and enter your NPS username and password)
      • Submit your e-Birthday card (Note: be sure to include the web address for your Birthday card. If you created it using Google Docs or Slides, be sure to set your sharing settings so anyone can view it)


[The Newark Celebration 350 Committee (NC350) is a broad coalition of arts, community, academic, business and government organizations all based in Newark that have come together to celebrate the City of Newark’s 350th Anniversary. The year-long celebration will showcase the talents of the city’s citizenry and the rich history of Newark with a series of events, partnerships, parties, panels and forums taking place under the NC350 banner throughout the 2016 school year.  If you have any questions, then you can send them to Dr. John Johnson Jr., Executive Director for this committee, who can be reached at]