Press Releases
- Feb 02, 2018: Mayor Baraka Says Students Deserve a Strong Voice in Charting the Future of Newark Schools under Local Control
- Jan 31, 2018: Newark Public Schools Begins Official Transition to Local Control
Press Clips
‘ALL EYES ARE ON NEWARK’: AS THE CITY REGAINS CONTROL OF ITS SCHOOLS, A LOOK AT WHAT’S TO COME | “All eyes are on Newark.” Leaders of Newark Public Schools weigh in on the future of the district as Newark regains control of the schools. (Chalkbeat, 02/01/18)
NEWARK FINALLY GETS CONTROL OF SCHOOLS – WHAT WE LEARNED ABOUT N.J.’S STATE TAKEOVERS | Newark Public Schools begins its transition to local control today, here’s how leaders of Newark made it happen. “Now is the time to give the people of Newark back full control over their schools. To give it back at a time when the foundations that have led to the progress of the last several years are built or well under construction.” – Chris Cerf (, 02/01/18)
AHEAD OF DEPARTURE, CERF ASSESSES IMPACT OF REFORMS ON NEWARK SCHOOLS | Superintendent Chris Cerf talks progress in Newark as he ends his tenure at NPS. (NJTV News, 01/30/18)
ANALYSIS: AS CHRIS CERF STEPS DOWN AS NEWARK SUPERINTENDENT, A LOOK BACK AT A CAREER SPENT BREAKING THE TIE IN FAVOR OF NEW JERSEY’S CHILDREN | Appointed in 2015, superintendent Chris Cerf steps down from Newark Public Schools, leaving a strong and progressive legacy behind him. “The challenge for Newark as it resumes local control — the challenge for all of New Jersey, for that matter — is to preserve Cerf’s focus on equity, accountability, honesty, and student success.” (The 74 Million, 01/29/18)
AFTER 23 YEARS, NEWARK REGAINS CONTROL OF ITS SCHOOLS | “Newark reclaimed control of its public schools Thursday with whoops, hugs and a “FirstDay” hashtag, ending 23 years of state takeover aimed at fixing its long troubled system.” (Wall Street Journal, 2/01/18)
NEWARK PUBLIC SCHOOLS RETURNED TO LOCAL CONTROL AFTER MORE THAN 20 YEARS | After more than 20 years of state control, Newark Public Schools begins the transition to local control. (PIX11, 02/01/18)
NEWARK PUBLIC SCHOOLS RETURN TO LOCAL CONTROL; RU-N COMMUNITY REPORTS THE OCCASIAN | Mayor Ras Baraka held a press conference with current and former Newark students to celebrate progress in Newark and the transition to local control. (Rutgers, 02/01/18)
POSITIVE VIBES AS NEWARK SCHOOLS RETURN TO LOCAL CONTROL | Newark kicks off the transition to local control with a new superintendent, youth town hall, and stories of progress in the district. (Newark Patch, 02/01/18)
NEWARK OFFICIALLY REGAINS SCHOOLS CONTROL AFTER 22 YEARS | After more than 20 years of state control, Newark officially regained control of its schools, “a milestone hailed by local officials as the beginning of a new era for the state’s largest city.” (CBS Philly, 02/01/18)
NEW ERA OF LOCAL CONTROL IN NEWARK, N.J., AFTER 22 YEARS | “In recent years, Newark has seen its graduation rate improve to 78 percent, and the district now out-performs most school systems with similar demographics in reading and math, according to the district.” (Education Week, 02/01/18)
After 22 years, Newark regains control of its schools from the state, but challenges remain (Pix11, 02/01/18)