Resources for Families

Contact your student's school, teachers, Child Study Team, and community engagement specialist to learn more:

Parental Support

Learning Disabilities



Resources for Transition to College and Careers

  • College & Autism: Insight and Resources for Students: "The lead-up to college can be a stressful time for any student. With so many changes on the horizon, your anxiety may kick up a notch or two. For some, this pre-college anxiety is manageable but for others, it may be harder to handle. If you have autism spectrum disorder (ASD), you may be especially impacted by the thought of incoming change and loss of your routine. However, taking the time to create a preparation game plan for your college transition can make a big difference when it comes to your overall success. So, where do you start?"

NJ Coalition for Inclusive Education

Listen up! Resources from the American Speech-Language-Hearing Association

Adult Guardianship