Newark Vocational High School
Safety Protocols
2021-22 School Year
Student Ingress Locations
- 9th grade entrance: West Kinney Street, Gym door
- 10th grade entrance: West Kinney Street, Main entry door
- 11th grade entrance: West Kinney Street, Main entry door
Egress/Dismissal Procedures
- All 9th grade students will egress/dismiss through the W. Kinney St. Gym door and all 10th and 11th grade students will egress/dismiss through the W. Kinney St. main entry door.
Late Arriving Student Ingress Location
- Late arriving students will be screened at the 17th Avenue door and then report to their first period class after passing all of the ingress checks. You are considered late if you arrive after 8:25 am.
Student/Staff Ingress Procedures
- Step 1: Symptom screening – Employees and students will utilize a health symptom screen application to respond to a series of questions regarding their health. If a student or employee cannot access the app, paper copies of the screen will be available at all ingress locations.
- Step 2: Temperature check – Employees and students will have their temperatures checked using a non-contact thermometer. Anyone with a temperature of 100.4 degrees or higher will not be permitted into the building.
- Step 3: Footwear sanitizing – Employees and students will stand on a footwear sanitizing pad with disinfectant salutation to sanitize their shoes. Everyone must wear closed shoes.
- Step 4: Hand washing/sanitizing – Employees and students will be provided foaming hand sanitizing before entering the building.
Face Masks
- Wearing a face mask is required for everyone while on school or district grounds.
- Face masks must always cover one’s mouth and nose.
- Face masks may be removed when using the restroom or during meal times, as long as social distancing is maintained.
Breakfast Procedures
- Breakfast will be prepackaged and students will grab and go upon entry to the school building. Breakfast tables will be set up at West Kinney St, Gym entry for grade 9 students, and at the W. Kinney St., grades 10 and 11 main entries. The cafeteria staff will manage the breakfast distribution. Students are expected to eat their breakfast during their homeroom period.
Lunch Procedures
- All students will eat lunch during their assigned lunch period (4th, 5th, 6th or 7th).
- Lunch will be prepackaged and students will grab and go upon entry to the cafeteria stations. Students will have the option for hot and cold lunch choices.
- Lunch will be consumed in the following approved area to ensure social distancing can be maintained:
- Cafeteria
- No more than 4 students per lunch table
- Although the café staff will ensure the cleanliness of the cafe tables and space, sanitizing wipes will be provided at each table so that students can clean their area themselves if he/she choose to do so.