Academic Support Services

Before/Afterschool Tutoring
Support for Every Subject!
Before-School Tutoring - Monday-Friday - 7:45 AM - 8:10 AM
After-School Tutoring - Monday-Friday - 3:00 PM - 5:00 PM
- Room 142 MATH- Juatco (9th)
- Room 140 MATH- Easterling (10th)
- Room 112 MATH- Alam (11th)
- Room 108 MATH (BIL)- Fall (9th-12th)
- Room 122 ELA- Jagdhar (9th)
- Room 118 ELA- Kirkland (10th)
- Room 119 ELA- Scipio (11th)
- Room 106 ELA (ESL)- Montauban (9th-12th)

Credit Recovery
See Vice Principal Ms. Matthews for more information
Check PowerSchool and Google Classroom to see if you have been assigned a Credit Recovery Class.

NJIT Gear Up
NJ GEAR UP/CB at NJIT is a federally funded program (GEAR UP) with a state-funded match (College Bound) that serves students in the greater Newark area. The program offers educational support and assistance to middle and high school students to help them prepare for and enroll in a college or university.
Students participate in a 6-week summer program and/or a 20-week academic year program that includes Saturday instruction, field trips and college tours, and other support services. Participants are also offered in-school and after-school tutoring during the school year at designated GEAR UP target schools.

Pathways to College
Pathways to College is an after-school program providing information, guidance, and support to help our target population become the best high school students, college applicants, and college students they can be to prepare for lifelong success. Although we welcome all students of color, we focus on under-served African American high school students, whose potential has been marginalized for generations.
Pathways to College will significantly expand the pipeline to higher education for African American and other high school students of color. We will serve as a major thought leader in validating and supporting the aspirations of these students by preparing them for academic and lifelong success.

Rutgers Business School Pre-College Enrichment Program
RBS PREP recruits high-performing high school juniors (11th grade) from underrepresented and underserved backgrounds for early exposure to Rutgers Business School, business majors, careers in business, college-level courses, and immersion into life on a college campus. RBS PREP students are enrolled in a college-level business course with other RBS undergraduate students. Students also participate in program enrichment sessions that include college prep and exploration, mentoring, team building, soft skills development, guest lectures from distinguished RBS faculty, staff, and corporate partners.
High school juniors that complete the RBS PREP program earn three (3) academic course credits toward completing their undergraduate education. Program alumni are also eligible for admissions application fee waivers and receive priority access to other programs and initiatives facilitated by the RBS Office of Inclusion, Diversity, Equity, and Access.

Saturday Academy
NJGPA Preparation for 11th-grade Students
11th Grade NJGPA Saturday Academy
December 2, 2023 through March 9, 2024
- 8:30-8:55 AM - Breakfast
- 9:00-10:30 AM - ELA/Math Enrichment
- 10:30 AM - 12:05 PM - Math/ELA Enrichment
- 12:10-12:35 PM - Lunch