Wilson Avenue School Hybrid Learning Information
Monday, April 12th – Re-Opening of School
School Day Schedule
8:15am-1:30pm for Main Building
8:00am – 1:30pm for Annex
Ingress Procedures for In-Person Learning
Our ingress procedures consist of a four step screening process prior to entering the school. Seven Doors will be designated for Ingress and Egress.
Students in Kindergarten will report to their designated homeroom area in the playground in the annex (Patterson Street & Alyea Street) by 8:00am.
Students in grades 1-5 & Grade 6-Room 208 will report to their designated homeroom area in the large playground by 8:25am.
Students in grades 6-8 (8/213, 8/214, 8/218, 7/222, 7/216, 6/220) will report to their designated homeroom area in the small playground by 8:25am. Students will enter through the Small Playground Door Left. **Doors will be labeled**
Students in grades 6-8 (8/215, 7/217, 7/219, 6/221, 6/223) will report to their designated homeroom area in the small playground by 8:25am. Students will enter through the Small Playground Door Right. **Doors will be labeled**
We will accept students arriving to school by 8:10am- 8:25am. All students will be screened by designated staff members prior to entering the school. We will have seven doors designated for ingress and egress.
- Students in Kindergarten will report to the Annex. They will enter through the Playground Door.
- Grades 1 & 2 will enter/ exit through the Wilson Tower door
- Rooms G1, G3, and G5 will enter through Basement Door 5
- Grades 3 & 4 will enter/exit through the Wilson Ave door.
- Grades 5 & Grade 6 Room 208 ONLY will enter/exit through the playground dumpster door
- Grades 6-8 will enter through the Small Playground Door (Left Door: 213, 214, 216, 218, 220, 222) Small Playground Door (Right: 215, 217, 219, 221, 223)
- See chart above for Room Breakdowns
- All staff will enter/exit through the main door on Alyea Street. Once the doors close, students will not be allowed in the building. Parents or anyone escorting their child are encouraged to observe each step of this process and are encouraged to remain on –site until their child is admitted.
- Our School is a contactless school site.
- All pick-ups and drop offs will occur outside.
- Only staff assigned to Wilson Ave School will be permitted in, barring any emergencies.
- Parents should ensure that anyone escorting their child to school is wearing a mask when picking up and dropping off their children.
- All students must have on masks when being dropped off for school.
- Our large playground will have a designated area outside of the school to receive students prior to entering the building. (Grades 1-8)
- Designated grades will be assigned different entry doors to eliminate crowding and maintain social distancing at all times.
- There will be 3 stations to monitor this process: the lines to stand before you begin the process, where all screenings will take place, and the escorting of children into the building. Staff assigned to these areas will all be wearing proper PPE which includes masks, gloves, and face shields.
Egress Procedures
Students will follow the same procedure for dismissal as designated in the morning ingress. All grade levels 1-8 in main building have designated doors and posts where they will line up outside
after being dismissed. Students will have an opportunity to grab a lunch to go as they are being dismissed. Lunch will not occur in the classroom. Students will line up outside their classrooms, use designated hall ways to exit the building, following social distancing and handwashing procedures.
Dismissal will be at 1:30pm for all students and staff on site.
Screening procedures:
Screenings are intended to determine if an individual has COVID-19 related symptoms. Prior to entering any of our facilities or district grounds everyone must wear a mask and undergo a four step process which includes the following:
Step 1: Symptoms Screening – Employees and students will be asked a series of questions regarding their health.
Step 2: Temperature Check – Employees and students will have their temperature checked using a non contact thermometer. Anyone with a temperature of 100.4 degrees or higher will not be permitted into the building.
Step 3: Footwear Sanitizing – Employees and students will stand in a rubber tub with disinfectant solution to sanitize their shoes. (Everyone must wear closed shoes.)
Step 4: Hand Washing/Sanitizing – Employees and students will be provided foaming hand sanitizer or will wash their hands with soap and water before entering the building.
(See attachments). Designated staff members will be assigned to assist with the four step process for each grade level.
Breakfast and Lunch Procedures
Breakfast and lunch will be delivered to Kindergarten classes in the Annex by teacher Aide in every class, Food Service workers, or designated staff (A1: Ledey; A2: Livecchi; A3: Garces; A4: Saucedo; A5: Perez; A6: ; A7: Cruz; A8: Antunes). Breakfast will begin at 8:45 a.m. – 9:00 a.m. (We will monitor and adjust depending on when students have completed their health checks.) Once the bagged food has been delivered, each student will grab their own bag and eat at their desks.
The teacher will remain in the class with the students and serve as a monitor for breakfast and lunch. There will be three lunch periods through the day as follows:
Grades K, 1 & 2- 11:20am-11:50am
Grades 3, 4 & 5- 1:30pm -Grab and Go Lunch
Grades 6, 7 & 8- 1:30pm -Grab and Go Lunch
Lunch will be a Grab and Go Lunch at dismissal for all students in Grades 3-8 @1:30pm