Seesaw allows you and students to post videos, images of their work, writing, etc. Feel free to ask me any questions you may have about this awesome interactive tool!
K-2 Teachers – Free access to ABC Mouse
For PreK – 2nd grade teachers (and those with students working at that grade level): ABC Mouse is now FREE! Please share this code with your families who have access to the Internet and a device at home: AOFLUNICEF
Free Home Internet Access for Students and Teachers Offered by Altice (Optimum)
Free Home Internet Access for Students and Teachers Offered by Altice (Optimum)
- Altice has Optimum Hotspot wifi throughout the city of Newark. If you have a device such as a phone or a laptop, your device will pick up the wifi signal as “optimumwifi”. Ordinarily, this is a paid wifi service and would require credentials to access it. However, for the next 60 days or so, you do not need any passwords. You simply select “optimumwifi” and connect to it. Depending on where you live and what type of building you live in, coverage will vary. You may need to move around to get a stronger signal. Concrete and Brick buildings for instance are hard for wifi signal to penetrate through so you may get a weaker signal inside the home.
- The 2nd option for families that do not have Internet Access is to call Altice at 866-200-9522 to enroll in the Optimum 30MB plan that they are offering. Please see the attached memo from Altice for more information. Altice has also announced that they will not disconnect any existing customer connections due to non-payment and will waive all late fees as well for the existing customers during this period.
Teachers residing outside the city of Newark will have the same options above if Altice (Optimum) is their local service provider. Altice Coronavirus Efforts Press Release 3.13.20
Comcast – FREE WI-FI
As part of our efforts to find a solution for students that have limited or no access to the internet, Comcast’s CEO has released a list of steps the company is taking to make sure families have internet access even if they are not comcast subscribers. PLEASE READ BELOW:
Comcast is taking steps to implement the following new policies for the next 60 days, and other important initiatives:
- Xfinity WiFi Free For Everyone: Xfinity WiFi hotspots across the country will be available to anyone who needs them for free – including non-Xfinity Internet subscribers. For a map of Xfinity WiFi hotspots, visit Once at a hotspot, consumers should select the “xfinitywifi” network name in the list of available hotspots and then launch a browser.
10 Free Learning Websites for Kids
10 Free Learning Websites for Kids
Switcheroo Zoo – Watch, listen and play games to learn all about amazing animals!
Fun Brain – Play games while practicing math and reading skills!
Nat Geo for Kids – Learn all about geography and fascinating animals!
PBS Kids – Hang out with your favorite characters all while learning!
Into the Book – Go “into the book” to play g ames that practice reading strategies!
Star Fall – Practice your phonics skills with these read-along stories!
Suessville – Read, play games, and hang out with Dr. Seuss and his friends!
Storyline Online – Have some of your favorite stories read to you by movie stars!
ABC YA – practice math and reading skills all while playing fun games!
Highlight Kids – Read, play games, and conduct cool science experiments!