Your Audition Date/Time
The complete list of audition dates and times is available below. Please click on the link, and find your name alphabetically to see your date(s) and time(s).
If you signed up for more than one different major, your name will be listed twice.
Audition Preparation
Please take the time to carefully read and prepare the audition requirements for one (or both) of the department(s) to which you are applying.
You must be prepared for your audition to be considered for admission.
Signing Up for Additional Major, Additional Students, Changing Your Time
At this point, it is too late to sign up for additional audition spots, but walk-in auditions are always available.
Walk-Ins simply arrive on either Jan 11 or Jan 18, proceed to the Walk-In Sign-Up, and we will get you the next available audition slot.
Snow Date
Please note the snow date for either audition date is January 25. This date would replace either of our regular days if we are forced to postpone due to inclement weather.
Call-Back Auditions
Call-Back Auditions are only in effect for Dance, Drama, and Vocal Music.
All other majors are a one-day audition.
Call-Back Auditions for Dance, Drama, and Vocal Music ONLY will take place on Feb 1st.
Other Steps to Admission
Make sure to fill out the NBOE High School Application at
Academic Placement Test for Magnet Schools – While acceptance to Arts High School relies primarily on your audition, all magnet school applicants must take the Academic Placement Test. This test will be given to all Newark Board of Education students on Feb 21, during the regular school day. Students coming from private schools, charter schools, or other non-district schools must take the test on Feb 22 at Science Park High School. Information is available on the Newark Enrolls website, where you fill out the NBOE application.
Audition Slot Assignments
Click Here – Audition Slots 20 pdf