Arts High School adheres to a comprehensive and coherent set of mathematics standards for each and every student. We firmly believe that all students must have access to challenging, high-quality, engaging mathematics instruction. To achieve this, we use rigorous, standards-driven mathematics curricula, employ and train knowledgeable teachers who can integrate instruction with assessment, implement policies that enhance and support learning, ensure classrooms have access to technology, and guarantee a commitment to both equity and excellence.
Department Chairperson: Ms. Lisa Bento
- Mr. Diego Alvear - Kean University
- Mrs. Christa Caldwell - New Jersey City University and Walden University
- Mrs. Nargis Chaudhry – Punjab University (Pakistan), Rutgers University
- Jennifer Quiroz - Montclair State University
- Ms. Jasmine Smith – Bloomfield College
- Ms. Janae Loyas – Rutgers University, Montclair State University
Academic Interventionist: Mrs. Kimberly Kallai