Associate Degree in Business Administration

Our after-school program is a partnership with Essex County College. This program aims to increase the number of students who are enrolled and participating competitively in a college curriculum in order to earn college credits prior to high school graduation. By participating in the after-school program, students will graduate with their high school diploma and an associate degree.
This program develops students’ academics through a rigorous program. The 9th grade and 10th grade cohorts take three classes in the after-school program. This will put them on track as 11th graders to get in the Associate's Degree pathway. The path to college requires a roadmap—including supporting academic readiness, exposure to the idea of college and college campuses, career, financial aid counseling, and building social networks of support. West Side High School’s Credit Pathway provides a concerted effort to keep children safe, inspired and engaged in activities that support their emotional and academic development. During these three after-school classes a week, West Side High School educators will teach students in this program. This Credit Pathway program is a model and agent for systems change, integrating after-school into the school day to enhance school culture and climate along with student achievement.
You have the power and support to make this your reality. An Associate Degree from Essex County College. Your dedication, hard work, and motivation will pay off! Have no fear! We will support you.
- 9th Graders take 3 10th grade high school classes
- 10th Graders take 3 11th grade high school classes
- 11th Graders take 10 college courses from September – June (Some count as both college and high school credits)
Academic support and mentors! We will tutor you to assist and ensure you succeed! Senior year, we will bus your cohort to Essex for a college campus experience.
Business Administration Associates Degree Course Sequence
Junior Year
MTH 100 | Introductory College Mathematics | 4 |
BUS 101 | Business Organization & Management | 3 |
ENG 101 | College Composition I | 3 |
CIS 131 | Micro-Computers in Business | 3 |
ECO 101 | Principles of Economics I (Macro) | 4 |
BUS 201 | Principles of Management | 3 |
ENG 102 | College Composition II | 3 |
HST 112 | American History II | 4 |
Summer 1
ACC 101 | Principles of Accounting I | 4 |
Senior Year
ACC 102 | Principles of Accounting II - Managerial | 4 |
BIO 101 | Intro to Biology w/Lab (credit type SBC) | 4 |
CIS 131 | 3 | |
POL 104 | American Government (credit type SS) | 3 |
ECO 102 | Principles of Economics II (Micro) | 3 |
BUS 204 | Introduction to Organizational Behavior in Business | 3 |
ENG 215 | Modern Literary Masterpieces | 3 |
ART 100 | Art Appreciation | 3 |
Summer 2
BUS 251 | Business Law I | 3 |
BUS 203 | Introduction to Entrepreneurship | 3 |