Dr. E. Alma Flagg

Dr. E. Alma Flagg
150 3rd Street
Newark, NJ 07104
Attendance Zone State Code NPS Code School Type Grade Structure Gross Area Construction Type
North Region – West 415 074 E-M K-8 75,406 SF
AlmaFlagg_aerial AlmaFlagg_street
Date Area Perimeter Stories
Original 1984 75,406 SF 2,112 FT 2
Description: The “prison-like” industrial construction with the lack of windows in classrooms and instructional spaces result in this building being a POOR facility for educating children. This building should either be re-purposed to house district administrative or support spaces, or should be replaced with a new school building of this location is valuable as a long-range school site. The 2012 facility condition assessment survey finds the Dr. E. Alma Flagg School to be generally in GOOD condition with an FCI score of 17%. The good condition designation results primarily from the fact that this school is only 28 years old, constructed much more recently than the average Newark Public Schools building. The facility is equipped with newer materials and systems, including full air conditioning. The Dr. E. Alma Flagg School has an Adjusted 2012 Capacity of 511 students based on the recent grade alignment and occupancy. In fall 2012, the building was in active use with 98% occupancy. Using the NJDOE FES model square footage as a base, the size of the Classrooms is GOOD and the size of the Special Spaces (e.g. science, technology, physical education, food service) are deemed to be FAIR. While the physical size of the program spaces are educationally adequate, this industrial-looking building’s lack of windows results in INADEQUATE instructional spaces with no daylight, outdoor views, or operable windows to enable direct ventilation.

Long Range Facilities Plan (LRFP)

Facility Condition (2013-02-04)
Facility Condition Index (FCI) % Score 17
Facility Condition Good
FCI Deficiency Cost $2,626,998
FCI Replacement Cost $15,552,488
Click to access full Condition Report
Capacity Utilization (2013-02-04)
2012-13 Enrollment 503
Adjusted Capacity
2012-13 Utilization
Click to access full Capacity Report
Educational (Facility) Adequacy (2013-02-04)
Classroom Adequacy % Score
Classroom Adequacy
Special Spaces Adequacy % Score
Special Spaces Adequacy
Click to access full Adequacy Report
Energy Use (2013-04-10)
Gas Usage (Therms)
Electric Usage (kWh)
Click to access full Energy Use Report