- Life Science Living and Nonliving Things
- Matter: Floating and Sinking
- Healthy Habits
- Spatial Sense and Coding
- Structure and Function: Exploring Design
- Pushes and Pulls
- Structure and Function: Human Body
- Animals and Algorithms
- Sunlight and Weather
- Living Things: Needs and Impacts
First Grade
- Light and Sound
- Light: Observing the Sun, Moon, and Starts
- Animals Adaptations
- Animated Storying Telling
- Designs Inspired by Nature
Second Grade
- Materials Science: Form and Function
- Materials Science: Properties of Matter
- The Changing Earth
- Grids and Games
- Living Things: Diversity of Life
Third Grade
- Stability and Motion: Forces and Interactions
- Variation of Traits
- Programming Patterns
- Weather: Factors and Hazards
- Life Cycles and Survival
- Environmental Changes
Fourth Grade
- Input/Output: Computer Systems
- Input/Output: Human Brain
- Waves and Properties of Light
- Organisms: Structure and Function
- Earth: Past, Present, and Future
- Earth: Human Impact and Natural Disasters
- Energy Exploration [New]
Fifth Grade
- Compare and contrast the rich cultures of the First Peoples’ civilizations.
- Movement of matter among plants, animals, decomposers, and the environment.
- Represent and interpret data of measurements in fractions of a unit (1/2, 1/4, 1/8).
- Write opinion, informative/explanatory, and narrative pieces appropriate to task and purpose.
- Investigate technological advances in physical activity and fitness.(New!)