The Belmont Runyon School Media Center strives to actively support the academic curricula by:
- Providing opportunities for students and staff to become life-long learners who can independently access, evaluate, and use information.
- Promoting literacy and reading.
- Providing instruction in the use of information technology and search strategies.
- Extending the classroom curriculum by engaging in meaningful collaboration with teachers.
- Utilizing current educational technology and services to assist students in becoming proficient users of information and media.
- Correlating the New Jersey Core Curriculum Technology Standard (8.1 Education Technology), the American Association of School Librarians.
- Information Literacy Standards, and the National Educational Technology Standards within the context of the curriculum.
Mrs. Nelson- Little, Library Media Specialist
Hours open: Monday-Friday 8:25 am - 2:55 pm
Use the World Book Web to research safely.
“In Memoriam Terrell James”
Library Rules
- Listen carefully and follow directions the first time.
- Respect others by using kind words and keeping your hands, feet, and objects to yourself.
- Come prepared with a pencil, assignment folder, and your library card.
- Use the bathroom before entering.
- Raise your hand before speaking or getting out of your seat.
Thank you for your cooperation.
Library Book Loan Policy
- All of our students are permitted to borrow one book each week. Books should be returned on the day the student has library.
- There are no overdue fines; however, students may not borrow new library materials until overdue items are returned or replaced.
- Please be aware that parents are welcome to check out books from our library.
My Very Own Library


- Username: brunyon
- Passcode: flix