Our School

Mission Statement
Strategic Path to Proficiency
Our daily school mission is to motivate, inspire and empower adult, staff, parents and the community abroad to passionately and consistently deliver quality:
- Data-driven instruction
- Literacy and problem solving across the curriculum in all content areas
- Cultural and community proficiency
- Systems thinking
to young minds, essentially guiding students to become productive contributors to society with the goal of obtaining global readiness skills and strategies.

Vision Statement
Achievement is Realistic, Obstainable, and Infinite
George Washington Carver Elementary & Bruce Street Street School for the Deaf will remain dedicated in all of its collective efforts to go above and beyond the established systemic norm to serve and operate with the collegial mindset of being the most viable, tangible, safe resource and support system for the young minds educated within our core values and guiding principles for achievement.
Core Values

Achievement is Realistic, Obstainable, and Infinite
- “The students are the greatest and the adults are in charge at all times.
- “Dream Big. Think Big… Together.”
- “The consequence for failure is more work.”
- “Steel Sharpens Steel… The Constant Development of Craft is Paramount.”
- “P.E.A.C.E. – Proper Education Always Corrects Errors… Our Goal is to Ascend Higher!”
Guiding Principles

- Dedication
- Heighten Social-Emotional Learning Capacity
- Increase Cultural & Civic Proficiency
- Sustain a Value for rigorous Teaching & Learning
- Discipline
- Refine and Develop Self Determination & Accountability
- Establish Humility & Pride
- Increase Universal Awareness and Decision Making Skills
- Sacrifice
- Further Development of Community Service, Outreach & Volunteerism
- Establishing Norms, & Protocols & Goals
- Character Development & Professional Development
- Achievement
- Full Transformation & Turnaround
- Data Driven Delivery of Direct Instruction
- Culture & Climate
- Student Performance Improvement – Closing the Gap
- Community-wide Embracement
- Systems Thinking Operation in Place
- Full Transformation & Turnaround
Six Pillars of Characters

- Trustworthiness
Be honest / Don't deceive, cheat, or steal
Be reliable - do what you say you'll do / Have the courage to do the right thing
Build a good reputation ? Be loyal - stand by your family, friends, and country - Respect
Treat others with respectful follow the Golden Rule
Be tolerant and accepting of differences
Use good manners, not bad language
Be considerate of the feelings of others
Don't threaten, hit, or hurt anyone
Deal peacefully with anger, insults, and disagreements - Responsibility
Do what you are suppose to do / Plan ahead
Persevere: keep on trying! / Always do your best / Use self-control
Be self-disciplined / Think before you act - consider the consequences
Be accountable for your words, actions, and attitudes
Set a good example for others - Fairness
Play by the rules / Take turns and share
Be open-minded; listen to others / Don't take advantage of others
Don't blame others carelessly / Treat all people fairly - Caring
Be kind / Be compassionate and show you care
Express gratitude / Forgive others / Help people in need - Citizenship
Do your share to make your school and community better
Cooperate / Get involved in community affairs
Stay informed; vote / Be a good neighbor
Obey laws and rules / Respect authority
Protect the environment / Volunteer