National Junior Honor Society
The National Junior Honor Society is the nation's premier organization established to recognize outstanding middle level students. More than just an honor roll, NJHS serves to honor those students who have demonstrated excellence in the areas of scholarship, service, leadership, character, and citizenship. These characteristics have been associated with membership in the organization since its beginning in 1929.
Today, it is estimated that more than one million students participate in official Honor Society activities. NHS and NJHS Chapters are found in all 50 states, the District of Columbia, Puerto Rico, many U.S. territories, and Canada. Chapter membership not only recognizes students for their accomplishments, but challenges them to develop further through active involvement in school activities and community service.
The Franklin School Chapter of the NJHS has monthly meetings run by our Executive Council consisting of a panel of 5 volunteer teachers. Meeting agendas are made in advance at an officers’ meeting to plan the events for the NJHS. Each student member must complete 10 service hours on their own time, as well as, they must complete an individual service project that helps the community. In addition to individual service projects the NJHS also completes a club service project where we work throughout the year on one particular mission and that is our focus for the year.
The NJHS tries to help the school and local community. The NJHS members help tutor students during their lunch time and afterschool. This is our charter year at Franklin School! In January prospective students ran a school store selling Smencils-which is a great selling pencil. The sale was not only profitable, but it gave the prospective NJHS students a chance to set a great example to their peers and younger students who shopped at the store. Later this year in late March, students will be able to participate in an after school Math event assisting younger students and their families.
After the 2nd Marking Period Report Cards the NJHS advisor compiles a list of 6th, 7th & 8th grade students who have been on an honor roll for the 1st & 2nd Marking Period of the school year. Those students are then given applications to apply for the NJHS. They then must complete the application, write an essay(requirement for 2025), as well as compile a list of community hours they have served. Once applications are collected the advisor and a Faculty Council look over the applications to see if there are new students who would enhance and add to the NJHS community.
NJHS also has an induction ceremony in April where new members are inducted into the organization. The induction ceremony is held in the evening and parents and staff are invited to be a part of the ceremony. We now have 19 initial members and will hopefully build this in future years!!