The School Leadership Team at Fourteenth Avenue School is committed to excellence. Under the leadership of Armando Cepero, Principal, and the collaboration of Team Members at Fourteenth Avenue School, students will succeed. Our primary goal is to ensure learners achieve to their highest potential.
Purpose of the School Leadership Team
The purpose of The School Leadership Team at Fourteenth Avenue School is to function efficiently and effectively as a model of school-based planning by improving efforts in our school to achieve our goals and objectives.
Goals of the School Leadership Team
The School Leadership Team shares vision and mission that focuses on improved student achievement. Our primary goal is to ensure success for every student.
Commitment to Academic Success
Through our continued efforts and commitment, The School Leadership Team consistently analyzes data for improved academic achievement and social development.
- Mr. Armando Cepero, Principal
- Ms. Patricia Triano, Teacher Coach/Transportation & Attendance Coordinator
- Ms. Annie Kim, Teacher Coach/Technology Lead
- Ms. Maria Zarokostas, Interventionist/Program Coordinator