Newark Public Schools Closure Resources
The Newark Public Schools have developed Instructional Packets containing lessons for all students from Pre-K through high school to ensure continued instruction during an extended school closure. The school closure packets are organized as follows:
- PreK-3 and PreK-4 are separate packets in the folder marked Pre-K. There is one packet for PreK-3, a separate packet for Pre-K 4 and a combined Physical Education packet for both.
- Grades Kindergarten through Grade 3 are each in their own folder. These are single packets to download. All subjects areas are included within the single packet by grade level.
- Grades 4-8 are in their own folders by grade level. When one of these folders is opened, there are three files included for the grade level: Language Arts, Social Studies and World Languages; Mathematics and Science; and Health & PE, Fine and Performing Arts.
- High School: There is a high school folder that contains packets organized by content area. Individual courses are downloadable. Please note that with the exception of World Language, there are no plans for AP or IB courses. The assignments for these courses will be distributed directly by the teachers.
Your child additionally has access to several district-and school-adopted online curricular resources including our K-12 Language Arts and K-12 Mathematics e-textbooks. These can be accessed from the “Clever Student Portal” which is also located under “Students” from our homepage at Please note students will need to select “Log-in with Google” and enter their NPS username and password to gain access to these resources.
- Username: Firstname._ _ _ _ _
(six digit student lunch number) - Example: