Class Rank Calculation vs. Mid-Year Rank to Determine Valedictorian and Salutatorian
The Class Rank Calculation in PowerSchool is based on a student’s cumulative weighted GPA by class or grade level for all students in a school.
The mid-year official class rank to determine valedictorian and salutatorian is an additional student ranking process that reflects Newark Public School’s valedictorian and salutatorian eligibility criteria outlined in the Newark Public Schools Office of Academic Services Uniform Grading Policy: Kindergarten to Grade 12.
Class Rank Calculation FAQ
Q: Should a student be excluded from the Class Rank Calculation?
A: No. The Exclude From Class Ranking field in a student record should only be used for the mid-year rank to determine Val and Sal process. The field should be restored to default or “unchecked” once the process is completed so the student is appropriately ranked with their class.
Q: When is the Class Rank Calculation permanent?
A: The rank for a class is made permanent with the roll-over process at the end of a school year. If a student’s grades are updated after the roll-over process, the rank will remain unchanged. During the school year, the Class Rank Calculation is dynamic; it changes as student grades are updated throughout the school year.
Q: Where can I see a student’s class rank?
A: The class rank is displayed in the transcript and the Cumulative Info page for the student. The Class Ranking report in System Reports lists the ranking for all students in a grade level.
Mid-Year Official Class Rank to Determine Valedictorian and Salutatorian
SY 2016-2017
In order for a student to qualify for valedictorian or salutatorian, student grades from grade nine through Semester I of twelfth grade constitute the official class rank. No student entering the school during the senior year will usurp the title held by a student in the school as valedictorian or salutatorian – Newark Public Schools Office of Academic Services Uniform Grading Policy; Kindergarten to Grade 12, Secondary Guidelines for Determining Rank in Class
Wednesday, March 1 – Monday, March 6, 2017
High School Responsibilities
- High schools will revise and remove, as appropriate, the duplicate stored grades as they negatively impact those calculations as well.
- See attached duplicate grades file
- Ensure that the Historical grades are accurate and updated. If courses were manually entered they must have a course number to be part of the calculation as well as letter grade, GPA points and Percent.
- High schools will identify students who should be excluded from the Mid-Year Class Rank according to District Policy and mark them as such on the School Info Page in PowerSchool. See image below.
Tuesday, March 7, 2017
Student Information Services Office Responsibilities
- Run a preliminary class rank.
Wednesday, March 8, 2017 through Friday, March 10, 2017
High School Responsibilities
- Run Class Ranking Report.
System Reports → Grades and Gradebooks → Class Ranking
→ Choose “grade 12”
→ Choose NPS_Mid_Year_GPA_16-17
- Run Class Ranking Report.
- Verify the rank and make any necessary changes to grades in both PowerSchool as well as the Teachers’ Gradebook. Notify our office if you made any changes to Historical Grades.
The Recalculation process will occur nightly. - Re-Run the Class Ranking Report to confirm that your changes had the appropriate impact on students’ GPAs. GPA’s are recalculated nightly.
Monday, March 13, 2017
Student Information Services Office Responsibilities
- Run the FINAL Official Class Rank
Tuesday, March 14, 2017
High School Responsibilities
- Run and Save the Official Class Rank Report for Seniors
- Run and Save the Official College Transcript for all Seniors
The Class Rank Method option in PowerSchool will not be available as of Thursday March 16, 2017. It is important that you follow the timeline.