Day 2 - September 16, 2020

Session Time

9:00 am - 10:00 am

Navigating Success in High School and Beyond

This interactive resource-enriched workshop will provide parents/guardians with navigational tools that support the academic, physical and mental wellness of their child[ren]. Focused discussions will include high school graduation requirements, GPA and class rank, extracurricular activities, cultivating your child’s passion, and how to help your child design an enriched student profile for future college and career successes.

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Ingress Procedure

Detailing the ingress procedures that will be followed at all schools for morning drop-off of students.

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Horarios Individuales de los Estudiantes: Aprendizaje Sincrónico y Asincrónico

El objetivo de la sesión es compartir con los padres cómo optimizar el entorno de aprendizaje virtual. Muchos estudiantes con una discapacidad también pueden tener tiempo programado para servicios relacionados.

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Lunch Applications

Parents will learn the importance of the lunch application completion and how it helps the student, family, school, and district. The lunch application completion is a safe space and information is not shared. Having our parents feel they are in a trustworthy process for the betterment of our children and schools is of utmost importance. We will walk the parents through the completion of the application and review any FAQ.

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Aplicaciones de Almuerzo

Los padres aprenderán la importancia de la finalización de las solicitudes de almuerzo y cómo ayuda al estudiante, la familia, la escuela y el distrito. La finalización de la aplicación para el almuerzo es un espacio seguro y la información no se comparte. Hacer que nuestros padres sientan que están en un proceso confiable para el mejoramiento de nuestros hijos y escuelas es de suma importancia. Guiaremos a los padres a través de la finalización de la solicitud y revisaremos cualquier pregunta.

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How to Learn Science with Your Child

The session will include an overview of the science curricular platforms, in addition to tips on how to promote inquiry at home.

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Session Time

10:00 am - 11:00 am


Supporting Your Child’s Literacy Development at Home During Remote Learning

Literacy is one of the most important skills your child will acquire and develop. Reading is essential for academic success across disciplines. There are many things that parents can do to support your child in developing literacy skills. This workshop will offer strategies and fun ways to keep your child engaged and foster a love of reading.

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Understanding Your Child’s Learning Style

Do all children learn the same way? Absolutely NOT! Join us for an interactive workshop on learning styles and their impact on the way children perform academically. We will also provide tips for engaging your child at home, based on the style that works best for them.

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Beneficios Para los Padres de usar Los Servicios de Información Estudiantil

Acceso al portal para padres, entrega de documentos, actualización de información de contacto, etc.

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Parental Benefits to Using Student Information Services

Accessing Parent Portal, Document Delivery, Update contact information, etc.

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Monitoring Attendance in Distance Learning

Share and describe the rationale for recommended metrics to monitor attendance during the 2020-21 school year. We will introduce and detail four key metrics, Contact, Connectivity, Relationships, and Participation which will provide data for early warning and ensure we are helping schools, students, and families solve the barriers to learning.

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Supporting and Engaging Families through Community Resources

To provide families with resources that will meet their needs as it relates to Mental Health, Self-Care, Youth Services, Housing, Legal Services, etc.

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Session Time

3:00 pm - 4:00 pm


Benefícios Para os Pais ao Usar os Serviços de Informações do Aluno

Acessando Portal dos Pais, entrega de documento, atualização de informações de contato, etc.

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Social and Emotional Learning: Strategies for Parents I & II

In the last couple of months, parents have encountered unexpected changes and are overwhelmed by stress. The Challenge Day Parent Workshop is designed to give participants research-based tools and practices that can help mitigate some of this, while also bringing communities of parents together and providing a supportive outlet while supporting the social and emotional needs of students at home.

Throughout this experiential and hands-on workshop, parents will: follow Charles Duhigg’s research on how to interrupt habitual cycles, discover the framework of Challenge Day’s Formula for Change and its connection to mindfulness, and have an opportunity to practice vulnerability, empathy and active listening. With these practices in place, participants can learn to be intentional about working through these unfamiliar situations and finding ways to deal with the discomfort. The SEL competencies covered will be Social Awareness, Relationship Skills, Self-Awareness, Self-Management, and Responsible Decision Making.

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Supervisando la Asistencia Durante el Aprendizaje a Distancia

Compartir y describir el fundamento de las métricas recomendadas para monitorear la asistencia durante el año escolar 2020-21. Presentaremos y detallaremos cuatro métricas claves, Contacto, Conectividad, Relaciones y Participación, que proporcionarán datos para una temprana advertencia y garantizarán que estemos ayudando a las escuelas, los estudiantes y las familias a resolver las barreras del aprendizaje.

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Ingress Procedure

Detailing the ingress procedures that will be followed at all schools for morning drop-off of students.

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NJDOE Performance Reports

Parents will get a good understanding of the accountability metrics required by NJDOE.

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Session Time

4:00 pm - 5:00 pm


Love, Responsiveness, and Confidence-Building Matter to At-Home Learning

This session explores why positive emotions matter to learning and how parents and other guardians can help to foster these emotions in children while learning at-home in general and during challenging times.

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The Parent’s Virtual Voice – Advocating for Your Child’s Needs while Remote Learning

While schools are operating remotely, parents and caregivers must ensure their children have the resources and support that they need to be successful at home. Join us to learn strategies for effective advocacy, the different methods of stretching your virtual voice, and tips for working in closer partnership with your child’s teachers and school.

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An Introduction to Social Emotional Learning: Put Your Mask on First!

In this session we will review the Social Emotional Learning (SEL) program recently adopted by Newark Public Schools to help support the social emotional well-being of our school communities. In this session, families will learn about the foundations of Social Emotional Learning and how they relate to everyday successes, both academically and socially. Families will get tips and strategies for helping navigate their own social emotional well-being and learn about the SEL resources available for their students. The goal is to help families understand ways to help themselves and their children navigate life stressors to support social emotional wellness.

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Parent Guide: Transitioning to High School

The purpose of this presentation is to help parents gain an understanding of what will be helpful in a student’s transition from middle school to high school. Helpful tips and strategies will be provided to assist parents in navigating the high school experience.

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Using Mindfulness to Reduce Stress and Challenging Behaviors

Participants will learn simple mindful techniques to use with children to reduce stress, increase self-regulation, and manage challenging behaviors.

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The Basics of Digital Learning: Looking at Strategies to Help Our Students Learn Remotely

In this session we will look at tips and resources available to our students and their families to help them with remote learning. The goal is to help families understand ways to help their students with the challenges of remote learning. By the end of this session families will better understand what resources are available to assist students and strategies to help create a learning space for their children at home.

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