- Children’s Storybooks Online
- Common Sense Media
- Conducting Research Using the Big 6
- Gale Vitrual Reference Library
- Newark Public Library
- Project Guttenberg: Books online.
- Sirs Knowledge
- The Star Ledger: Daily newspaper StarLedger On Line- go to the upper left and click “home”, then click “register”. Follow prompts by filling out information. When prompted for email address give the address you use most frequently. Free daily online access for students and staff;
- Encyclopedia: Online Encyclopedia – One click to reach 49 Encyclopedias and 73 thesauruses online.
- Dictionary: Online Dictionary- ” A quick glance at the index is all it takes to connect words with images. Explore the 15 major themes to acess more than 6,000 images and see words like never before”
- National Aeronautics and Space Administration( NASA): In addition to a search engine for this government site, there are links to an amazing number of sites that are science oriented and user friendly.
- Smithsonian: Information and resources for educators, families and students
- USA Government: Home page of the U.S. Government’s Official Web Portal for all government transactions, services, and information.
- National Geographic: National Geographic provides free maps, photos, videos and daily news stories, as well as articles and features about animals, the environment, cultures, history.
- Internet Public Library: Don’t have a dictionary? Information You Can Trust features a searchable, subject-categorized directory of authoritative websites; links to online texts, newspapers, and magazines.
- Snopes: This site checks popular hoaxes and scams, tells you which are true and which are not. Internet reference source for urban legends, folklore, myths, rumors, and misinformation.
- Library of Congress: U.S. Government resources at your fingertips.
- New Jersey State Library: Information about the library’s collections and services, access to the library’s catalog, and online state resources.
- Purdue Owl: The Online Writing Lab (OWL) at Purdue University houses writing resources and instructional material, and we provide these as a free service of the Writing Lab at Purdue. Students, members of the community, and users worldwide will find information to assist with many writing projects. Teachers and trainers may use this material for in-class and out-of-class instruction.
- BBC Learning English: A British site that gives you news , weather, sports–in many languages. The emphasis is actually language- improving yours- or learning others.
- Internet Tutorials – basic guide to the Internet